One Goal. One Team. One Vision.
SEIU Healthcare is the only service union with a dedicated Nursing Division that holds convention and has a president, a constitution, and professional practice liaison staff. We represent over 7500 nurses, including registered practice nurses (RPNs), registered nurses (RNs), and nurse practitioners (NPs). Our Nursing Division is led by President Jackie Walker and is comprised of a diverse group of nurses from all over Ontario. The Nursing Division is committed to advocating for improved work and daily living conditions, enhancing the delivery of patient care, and providing Professional Liability Protection.
SEIU Healthcare is the only service union with a dedicated Nursing Division that holds convention and has a president, a constitution, and professional practice liaison staff. We represent over 7500 nurses, including registered practice nurses (RPNs), registered nurses (RNs), and nurse practitioners (NPs). Our Nursing Division is led by President Jackie Walker and is comprised of a diverse group of nurses from all over Ontario. The Nursing Division is committed to advocating for improved work and daily living conditions, enhancing the delivery of patient care, and providing Professional Liability Protection.

“We strive to bring our collective voice to the forefront, highlighting the importance of each other’s roles and how the skills and experiences we share affect our healthcare system.”
– Jackie Walker, Nursing Division President

Professional Liability Protection
Professional Liability Protection (PLP) Insurance is a form of liability insurance that helps protect service-providing individuals from bearing the full cost of defending against a negligence claim made by a client/patient, and damages awarded. SEIU Healthcare is the only union who provides PLP for FREE to all nurses.
Don’t forget to renew your insurance on April 1, 2021.
The Nursing Division Board
Nursing Division President
Vice President of Hospital
Vice President of Home Care and Community Care
Vice President of Long-Term Care
Eight Regions with one member from:
- Region 1 – Thunder Bay
- Region 2 – Northumberland
- Region 3 – Georgian Bay
- Region 4 – Greater Toronto Area
- Region 5 – Hamilton/Halton
- Region 6 – Norfolk/Niagara
- Region 7 – London and Southwestern Ontario
- Region 8 – Algonquin
Nursing Division Highlights from 2020

Virtual Nursing Week Celebrations
May 10 - 17Nursing Week
Nursing Week 2020 marked the 200th anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birthday and was declared the Year of the Nurse. Since we weren’t able to celebrate with our members face-to-face, we launched our digital Nursing Division magazine Scrubs and Scopes, held a Nursing Week Facebook Event, and sent out a small token of appreciation to our SEIU nurses.

Action Against CNO’s Data Breach
SeptemberSEIU Healthcare Nurses Take Action Against CNO’s Data Breach
Hundreds of nurses sent letters to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care Christine Elliott, Deputy Minister Helen Angus, Provincial Chief Nursing Officer Dr. Michelle Acorn, and Senior Policy Analyst Colleen Walsh to demand transparency and honesty, especially when it is concerning their confidential information.

Universal Wage Increase for RPNs Letter
Nursing Division Education Webinars
November - DecemberNursing Division Education Webinars
For the first time ever, the Nursing Division held six Education Webinars throughout November and December. Each webinar was hosted by a Nursing Division Executive Board member and SEIU nursing staff. Topics discussed included: advocating in a political environment, asserting your Professional Responsibility, utilizing Workload Review Forms, and upcoming bargaining strategies.