March 11, 2020
World Health Organization (WHO) declares a global pandemic.
SEIU Healthcare issues a joint letter with CUPE, OPSEU, and Unifor, calling on the Ontario Government to respect the precautionary principle.
March 16, 2020
Phone call between Minister Elliott (MOH), Dr. Williams (CMOH), and SEIU, ONA, Unifor, CUPE and OPSEU. They called for “an honest and frank collaboration with the government regarding guidelines for COVID-19 protection for healthcare workers”.
March 17, 2020
Provincial government issues a declaration under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, declaring a province-wide emergency due to COVID-19.
March 23, 2020
March 24, 2020
Launches our PPE Letter Campaign to demand that the Provincial government provide appropriate PPE to all frontline workers.
March 30, 2020
Ontario Chief Medical Officer of Health issues Directive #5 under section 77.7 of the Health Protection and Promotion Act.
April 7, 2020
SEIU, CUPE, OPSEU, and Unifor, urge the government to:
1. Include LTC facilities in Directive #5
2. Require more N95 masks/ PPE to be manufactured
3. Improve COVID-19 testing rate
April 9, 2020
Media Release: Families Face Difficult Decisions About Sending Elderly COVID-19 Patients to Hospital. Sharleen shared, “Doug Ford’s ‘iron ring’ was more like ‘a plastic mesh’ that’s around these facilities. It’s full of holes. It’s full of leaks.”
April 14, 2020
Extension of Emergency Order and implementation of Coronavirus Support and Protection Act.
April 16, 2020
SWAT teams deployed to LTC homes hit hardest by COVID-19.
April 21, 2020
Applications filed to OLRB Due to Failed Safety Protections for Healthcare Workers
April 22, 2020
Canadian Armed Forces are deployed to assist with operations.
April 25, 2020
Government announces temporary pandemic pay bonus of $4.00 per hour plus an additional $250.00 lump sum payment.
Our response to the Pandemic Pay – we believe healthcare workers deserve more than a temporary pay increase.
The government should:
1. Revoke Bill 124
2. Provide an ongoing supply of PPE for every essential worker
3. Full-time jobs with benefits and a pension because one job is enough -
April 28, 2020
Canadian Armed Forces are deployed to the following Long-Term Care facilities:
Orchard Villa
Eatonville Care Centre
Sienna Altamont Care Community
Downsview LTC Nursing Home
Sienna Camilla Care Community
The Village of Humber Heights -
May 5, 2020
Media Release: SEIU Healthcare Calls for Public Inquiry and Criminal Investigations into COVID-19 Related Deaths
1. Ford government to immediately commission a public inquiry.
2. Toronto and Peel Regional Police to initiate investigations for criminal negligence LTC homes.
3. The Office of the Chief Coroner to use their authorities to inquire into these deaths. -
May 13, 2020
Emergency Order to take Control of LTC homes.
SEIU writes to Premier Doug Ford to demand that the Province take control of the following Long-Term Care homes:
Orchard Villa
Eatonville Care Centre
Sienna Altamont Care Community
Downsview LTC Nursing Home
Sienna Camilla Care Community
The Village of Humber Heights -
May 26, 2020
Media Release: President Sharleen Stewart on Disturbing Revelations from Long-Term Care By The Canadian Armed Forces
“We welcome the report from our Canadian Armed Forces to blow the whistle on the disturbing conditions in Ontario’s long-term care homes.”
May 27, 2020
With over 8,000 signatures for SEIU pandemic pay petition, the government expanded the number of positions which are eligible for emergency pandemic pay.
Government takes over management of five (5) additional homes – Eatonville, Hawthorne Place, Altamont, Orchard Villa and Camilla Care Centre
June 2, 2020
SEIU issues a letter to Premier Ford demanding that pandemic pay be extended to staff that are not currently eligible.
June 22, 2020
July 7, 2020
Media Release: Press Progress – For-Profit LTC Shareholders
Chartwell, Sienna, and Extendicare pay up to $59 million to shareholders.
July 21, 2020
Government passes Bill 195 – the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act.
The union explains why this bill will harm healthcare workers and how it can contribute to the pandemic spread.
July 23, 2020
SEIU, CUPE and Unifor launch the “Care Not Profits” campaign, calling for an end to private, for-profit long-term care.
August 22, 2020
SEIU Healthcare message was heard, and the federal government made changes to the Employment Insurance (EI) system. The Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB) and The Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB) were introduced.
September 21, 2020
Unions representing healthcare workers across Ontario held a press conference urging immediate action to end the crisis in long-term care.
October 6, 2020
SEIU, CUPE, OPSEU, ONA, and UNIFOR filed a lawsuit against the Ontario government. As a result, the government made important updates to Directive #5 for unregulated healthcare professionals working in long-term care and hospital sector.
December 6, 2020
SEIU Healthcare sends a letter to the Ford government demanding vaccinations and pandemic pay for all healthcare workers.
COVID-19 TimelineAngelica Cruz2020-12-26T23:04:28+00:00